Your Gateway Into

the Base


Swap between tokens in your wallet quickly and cheaply. Our smart contracts take only seconds to complete your order.

Earn Yield

Earn rewards by providing liquidity in boosted AMM pools. Our reward pools offer yield opportunities without the risk of impermanent loss.


Provide liquidity for any Base token and enjoy competitive APY rates. A little transaction fees is paid to liquidity providers as a reward when a token swap is completed.


Participate in the very early stage of the next big innovations building on the world’s highest performance Ethereum L2 blockchain-BASE.

Frequently Asked Questions

SparkFi is a launchpad platform built on the Base blockchain, designed to support new blockchain projects in a decentralized manner.

We only select the best of the best projects. Projects to look out for focused on blockchain games, NFTs, metaverse, DeFi, and other recent developments in the blockchain space.

Buy and stake SPAK or SPAK-LP tokens to gain IDOs allocation and wait for IDO pools to open. When the pool is open, participate by depositing a min amount of desired token allocation you want to purchase in ETH.

Currently, it is only on BASE. Other chains will be added gradually to make SparkFi a multichain launchpad.

Token unlock/claim will be as per the vesting schedule of the project.

Base offer a secure, low-cost, flexible and developer-friendly Ethereum L2 blockchain platform that support a wide range of use cases, from gaming and entertainment to finance and commerce.

The token is expected to launch in Q2-Q3 of 2023.

You can get intouch with the team via all our social handles.


Join the SparkFi community to access support with your financials, marketing, and development needs. We provide best-in-class incubation tools and advisory to bring the vision of founders and creators to fruition for the benefit of all.



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